How to stay consistent on YouTube as a Mompreneur. As a mom and an entrepreneur, we are terribly busy between our business and our children. YouTube is not our business, but the way to share our messages and develop our company. 

And in order for YouTube to help us make our business more visible, there’s one piece of advice that comes up often, which is ‘’be consistent.’’ 

But it is difficult. We tend to make three videos and then nothing for a month and so on.

On my French channel, I shared a video every week the first year even if I was super busy with my clients, the development of my business and my 2 toddlers.

How was I able to make this happen? 

In this video and this article, I’ll share 5 tips which helped me stay consistent and creative on YouTube.

I am Lili, a video coach for lady bosses (coaches, consultants, therapists). The 4 first tips I’m going to share are practical and the last one is different, but also very important if you want to get results with my first tips.

1. First tip : BATCH SHOOTING

To stay consistent, and succeed in releasing a video every week or at least  twice a month, you need to plan ahead. And more than just planning, you have to batch. I advise you to at least batch the shooting of your videos, that is to say shoot 3 or 4 videos in a row. 

When you shoot a video, you have to prepare your equipment, clothes, makeup, etc., and then take everything down. That’s why you’ll save time by batching your shooting. 

You can also batch the keywords search or the script writing.

If you haven’t done any professional looking videos yet, you can get your free check-list where I teach you how to create them from home, in only 10 steps. 


To stay consistent on YouTube, you need to be creative. So, as a content creator you have this responsibility to protect your ideas and creativity. 

Sometimes, when we watch videos from other channels in our field, we lose our ideas, or we think that everything has already been said. 

And that can stop us from making videos and then staying consistent.   

That is why I advise you to unfollow all the YouTube channels, Instagram and Facebook accounts which are in the same field if you feel that you lose your creativity or your motivation. 

3. Third tip : Write down all your ideas.

To stay consistent on YouTube, you need to have a bunch of video content ideas all the time. Personally, I write down all the ideas, good or bad, that I have on a daily basis. 

When I go for a run, when I clean the house, when I listen to a podcast, when I drive, or during a client coaching session, I often have content ideas. I then immediately note them down on the ASANA app. You can also use a notebook dedicated to that purpose. And the day I choose the theme of my next videos, I always find some on this list. 

4. Fourth tip : Get out of the house. 

It is sometimes difficult for me to write scripts from home, especially if I can see a lot of toys around me. I need to be in a different environment to be able to stay focused and creative. 

So outside of the coronavirus period, I’d write my scripts in a coffeeshop such as Starbucks. Of course, it’s often a bit noisy, but I put on my headphones, I drink my coffee and I write.

Tell me in the comments where you feel the most creative! 

5. Fifth tip : Remember your why

That is the most important advice I can share. If you know why you are making a YouTube video every week, it will so much easier to stay consistent. So, if you are not sure why you are making those videos, I invite you to clarify your vision about this channel. 

Once you know why this YouTube channel is important for you and your business, then apply the first 4 tips I shared earlier.

I hope these 5 tips have reassured you that it is possible to stay consistent on YouTube as a mompreneur.

Au revoir !